An Exclusive Up Close and Personal Session with Tarja Halonen

We are delighted to have the distinguished Ms Tarja Halonen, a Finnish politician who served as the 11th President of Finland, and the first woman to hold the position join us for a BoardAgender’s Up Close and Personal Session in collaboration with McKinsey & Company.

Launch of Women on Board: Making a Real Difference & Presentation of ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard 2018

Dear Boardagender Members,
The Singapore Institute of Directors (SID) is pleased to invite you to the launch of a new book on board diversity and the unveiling of the ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard 2018.
SID, in collaboration with BoardAgender and with the support of Accenture, is pleased to produce the publication Women on Board: Making a Real Difference. The book features 24 female directors of diverse backgrounds and highlights their directorship journeys. Attendees will receive a complimentary copy of the publication.