BoardAgender SG50 Champions of Change Luncheon
17 March 2017
An Exclusive Up Close and Personal Session with Professor Marianne Bertrand
We are delighted to have the distinguished Professor Marianne Bertrand, who is a Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business join us for BoardAgender’s Up Close and Personal Session.
Up Close and Personal with Ambassador Linda Tsao Yang
13 October 2016
Amb. Linda Tsao Yang is the chair emeritus of the Asian Corporate Governance Association based in Hong Kong, a non-profit organization dedicated to improving corporate governance practices in Asia. From 1993 to 1999, she was the U.S. Ambassador and Executive Director to the Board of Directors of The Asian Development Bank in Manila. She was recently awarded the Honorary Citizen of Shanghai award.
BoardAgender is pleased to host a luncheon where Amb. Yang, who has a wealth of experience in the public and private sector interaction will share her pearls of wisdom and golden nuggets of advice on tackling the issue of women on boards.
Corporate Governance and Non-Profit Leadership
13 July 2016
Corporate Members Engagement Lunch
8 July 2016
As part of the effort to create more involvement and engagement with corporate members, representatives from existing and potential corporate members are invited to a meeting with BoardAgender committee members. The purpose of the meeting is to learn more about their initiatives as well as expectations from BoardAgender, as well as encourage membership subscription. The meeting is a follow up from the previous engagement lunch with corporate members in February.
DAC-BoardAgender SG50 Champions of Change Luncheon
6 May 2016