23 September 2015, Wednesday
This year, BoardAgender is inaugurating its SG50 Champions for Change which is an incremental initiative from the 100 Champions initiated previously to commemorate the 100th year of the International Women’s Day. The SG50 Champions for Change aims to bring together a group of influential male and female leaders from across industries in Singapore. These Champions will use their individual and collective influence to ensure that the issues of gender diversity and representation at senior levels of the corporate world are elevated on the national business agenda in Singapore.
BoardAgender, together with Goldman Sachs, cordially invite you to a cocktail event launch of the SG50 Champions of Change with Minister K Shanmugam, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister for Law as our Guest-of-Honour. Join us and fellow champions in sharing experiences of gender diversity in the workplace and boardrooms of Singapore.

SAVE THE DATE | SG50 Champions of Change Launch

23 September 2015, Wednesday

This year, BoardAgender is inaugurating its SG50 Champions for Change which is an incremental initiative from the 100 Champions initiated previously to commemorate the 100th year of the International Women’s Day. The SG50 Champions for Change aims to bring together a group of influential male and female leaders from across industries in Singapore. These Champions will use their individual and collective influence to ensure that the issues of gender diversity and representation at senior levels of the corporate world are elevated on the national business agenda in Singapore.

Celebrate with us! 

An Exclusive Up Close and Personal Session with Cheryl Liew-Chng, author of The 24 Hour Woman

14 July 2015, Tuesday

You are invited to an exclusive session with Cheryl Liew-Chng, international best-selling author, speaker and global HR consultant, and BoardAgender, to discuss how to increase our impact and influence as women leaders and better mentor the next generation. Some of the featured women leaders in the book will also be joining in the activities of the evening.

Quarterly Networking Session by Compact Network Singapore

3 July 2015, Friday

The glittering glass ceiling: How to make your work place more inclusive? 

Women play an influential role in the global business value chain and are earning, consuming, and controlling purchasing decisions more than ever before.

Helping more women to join and stay in the workforce not only empowers them but also opens up more business opportunities for the private sector, stronger communities for society and greater sustainable economic growth for countries.

Women bring unique talents, skill sets, life experiences and perspectives to the workplace. Research has shown a clear link between gender equality and a country's economic strength. In spite of that, there are still many challenges for women to rise in the corporate environment. How can we provide a conductive environment to support women balance their roles in the family with those in the work place?

ILO Conference: Fostering Female Talent in the Workforce

3 July 2015, Friday

The Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF) is co-hosting in partnership with ILO and ACT/EMP an Asia-Pacific regional conference “Fostering Female Talent in the Workforce: Women in Business and Management”.