SG50 Champions of Change

Wong Su-Yen
Chief Executive Officer
Human Capital Leadership Institute
With globalization, technological advancement, demographic shifts, changing consumption patterns, and the tilt of economic weight towards Asia, there is an urgent need to ensure a diversity of perspectives in the boardroom.
The Human Capital Leadership Institute was established to build Asian leaders with the ability to lead on the global stage, as well as to develop global leaders with a strong understanding of leading in Asia.
We plan to embark on research that distils insights on how companies operating in Asia have been successful in attracting and retaining female talent in the workforce, and how these organizations have created working environments for women to thrive and build successful careers.
Equally we look forward to collaborating with likeminded individuals and organizations to bring more diverse and female, voices into the boardroom.
If the Asian promise is to be realized, there is no doubt that a strong base of leaders – both male and female – for Asia and from Asia will be required. HCLI plays a unique role in amalgamating and harnessing the wisdom and experience that exists within the business community, government and academic institutions, and consulting solutions providers to collectively address this pressing need.