SG50 Champions of Change

Seah Kian Peng
Chief Executive Officer
NTUC FairPrice Co-operative Ltd
FairPrice’s commitment in developing a “Wonderful Workplace” is anchored as one of our CSR pillars. This commitment extends to our human resource practices, which adheres to the principle of equality and equal employment opportunity. We employ on the basis of merit and adopt a non-discriminatory stance on race, religion, gender or age.
As a signatory of the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices, we provide employment opportunities to a diverse group of job seekers, which includes providing positions in various capacities for women. These positions not only comprise senior management roles but also cater to those who may be looking at part-time roles which facilitate career flexibility.
At FairPrice, we also empower women and all our departments have a female leadership presence. Our flexible working arrangements ensure that we create a family-friendly work environment that supports women who may wish to integrate their work and personal responsibilities. All staff are also entitled to child care leave and child sick leave. They are further accorded with Family Charity leave to either celebrate auspicious occasions with their family or to do charity work and bond with their loved ones. We aim to ensure they are provided with not only competitive remuneration but also a safe and caring environment, a culture of continuous learning, and a roadmap for career development, so that every employee has the opportunity to develop to their fullest potential.
As part of creating a “Wonderful Workplace”, continuous efforts are made to invest and improve the well-being and health of our staff. To support work-life balance, staff are also encouraged to participate in our various CSR initiatives. Along with our strategic partners, we also hold seminars which address parenting issues and help connect parents to each other to form a support network, as well as organizing activities through our Social Recreation Committee where families and children participate in, to balance work and family life.