SG50 Champions of Change

Richard Eu
Group CEO
Eu Yan Sang International Ltd
Eu Yan Sang International has delivered a solid performance in product quality and consumer trust for decades, thanks mainly to our diverse, gender-balanced workforce. The nature of our business requires the hard and soft skills of our people and we believe in investing and developing them to reach their highest potential, regardless of gender. Promotions are based on merit. We have many capable women who have risen to hold key leadership positions. Case in point –Our country managers in China, Hong Kong and Singapore are women. One of our Board of Directors is a woman and is a prominent, respected figure in corporate Singapore. Our diverse Board provides a strong oversight role, and engages and provides guidance to management on all facets of business.
To provide support and to help our female colleagues cope between work and family life, we allow our staff to work from home, have flexible working hours or transfer to a different role. Such initiatives help in retaining our staff. We believe that a workforce with a balanced in gender is a source of competitive advantage and the foundation of value protection and creation.