SG50 Champions of Change

Poh Mui Hoon
Chief Executive Officer
SP Telecoms Pte Ltd
The “secret sauce” for any organization is in its people. People create the differentiation, the competiveness of a business and thoughtfulness of a company as an entity.
Just like in life, where a balance of women and men is needed to create meaning, so it is the same in business. Women contribute by bringing different perspectives and adding a different touch to organisations and boards.
At the end of the day, meritocracy is still at the core of choice for boards and senior management positions. However, a purposeful focus on creating a balanced team is key. Many times, many stereotypes do not allow women of caliber to contribute to their appropriate potential. It is great that we are seeing a great awakening of what women can bring to businesses globally.
In all of my career, I am committed to grooming leaders from my team and I pay purposeful attention to women leaders to ensure that they are given the appropriate opportunities to shine.