SG50 Champions of Change

Loh Boon Chye
Chief Executive Officer
Singapore Exchange (SGX)
Singapore Exchange (SGX) has always been a strong advocate of gender diversity and equality, and we demonstrate this commitment within the company as well as encourage our stakeholders including our listed companies to do the same.
At SGX, I am proud to share that women make up more than half of our 721-strong staff, and many of our female colleagues hold vital roles across our various functions, as unit heads, senior managers and team leaders. All our staff are also given equal opportunities and promoted based on their own merit, regardless of gender.
As an exchange, we have also been promoting gender-balanced company Boards, and we lead by example with women directors occupying nearly 20% of our Board seats.
Women have made much progress in the workplace over the past 50 years since Singapore’s independence; if companies across all industries embrace gender diversity, our economy will benefit from the fresh ideas, views and experiences that women can bring to businesses.