100 Champions of Change

Immediate Past President, Singapore Council of Women’s Organisations and Chair, Women’s Register
To ignore the talent of half of one’s population does not make sense. Women obviously determine the spending patterns of almost the entire household, plans for the activities within her home, aside from coping with her own work / career and her aging parents and her growing kids.
Women make an ever increasing percentage of the tertiary student population and they often excel in their studies and thereafter in the workforce. We need to learn to tap on this emerging force and deal with them and help them fulfill their aspirations.
Women multitask well and have the ability to be very meticulous and consistent in their work. I say, harness these attributes, as the world cannot ignore the fact that there are many more well educated and capable and willing women who will step up to the challenge and responsibility of being on boards.
We need to work with the men, our sons and husbands so that they know that we can work hand in hand for a better future as we definitely complement each others’ strengths and bring a more balanced viewpoint to the board table and the home front.