SG50 Champions of Change

Doris Sohmen-Pao
Executive Vice President
In higher education women are beginning to out-number men, yet the balance in the workforce is only just beginning to reflect this change, and the imbalance is even starker in the boardroom. Although much progress has been made, there are still many incremental steps to be taken before a difference is seen.
In universities, we advise our students to make goals and to proceed with intent. SG50 Champions of Change is a vehicle to encourage and promote the representation of women on boards in Singapore and beyond. I believe the benefits of a more gender diverse board have been well defined. The deficiencies of such a gap have also been well publicized. What we need are individuals who can serve on boards, mentor and encourage others to be “board ready” and also make the necessary connections to companies in the search for gender diverse talent. This is not hard but it will take many individual efforts to create this wave of change.
It is a privilege to be part of this movement.