SG50 Champions of Change

Chief Executive Officer
National Gallery Singapore
I believe that striking a balance between work and family is important. A stable and supportive family allows one to focus on work, when at work.
Today, companies have taken a more family-friendly approach towards providing a conducive environment for all its employees.
At Ascendas, our staff can choose to work flexi-hours so that they can spend more time with their children or aged parents. Such flexi-hours apply to the men as well so that they can share equal responsibilities at home. We also provide flexi-family coverage where staff can select a whole menu of options such as outpatient medical and insurance coverage for their family. Our staff can utilize their medical leave allotment to take time off to take care of children when they fall ill.
These initiatives are appreciated by our staff. By ensuring that the company provides a supportive environment that caters to their family needs, they are able to focus on their careers and excel in their performance. We understand that a supportive environment and challenge on the job is what our employees look for, so we ensure that we provide the opportunities for our talents to grow and develop individually, regardless of gender, while they in turn, help the organization grow.