SG50 Champions of Change

Cheng Woei Fen
Executive Chairman
Mun Siong Engineering Limited
With the immerse shortage of talent in the male dominated oil and gas sector; gender diversity to recognise women of equal talent and capabilities has become a pressing issue. As a company that provides plant maintenance works and turnkey projects services for the oil, gas, petrochemicals, energy, chemicals and power industries, Mun Siong Engineering is not insusceptible to the difficulties of finding talented individuals to fill our management positions.
We motivate and encourage ambitious and capable employees with the correct mind-sets. It is in our interest to design our selection matrices around gender neutral performance indicators which would ensure a conducive company culture for individuals, whether male or female, to have the confidence to reach higher up in the corporate rungs. Being equally talented as the males, women definitely have the desire and ambition to advance in their company.