Mentoring Programme for Aspiring Women Directors 2024 – FOR MENTORS

BoardAgender’s Mentoring Programme for Aspiring Women Directors 2025 introduces aspiring and “next-generation” female directors in Singapore to experienced director-mentors. The Programme will launch in July 2025 and will run till December 2025.
We are inviting highly experienced board directors based in Singapore to volunteer as Mentors for this Programme.
women at work

What is the aim of the Programme for Mentors?

The Programme introduces aspiring and “next-generation” female directors (“Mentees”) based in Singapore to experienced directors (“Mentors”) and assist Mentees meet their specific directorship-related goals.

Mentee Benefits

The mentoring benefits include:

  • Gaining knowledge and skills that will help them take up the role as a non-executive director, enabling them to contribute as peers in the boardroom
  • Gaining insights into their unique value proposition for boards
  • Increase their practical knowledge of governance issues in companies and not-for-profits, as well as how companies and not-for-profit boards operate
  • Gaining valuable insight, advice, and guidance on the process of selecting and appointing new directors
  • Obtaining advice and guidance relevant to board roles and challenges
  • Fostering and enhancing connections with influential business leaders
  • Developing and growing as directors and people, understanding the Programme is one element in their director journeys.

In the long-term, we believe that the Programme will provide Mentees with Mentors’ advice, guidance, and support so that they may contribute effectively as directors and achieve their professional development goals.

Who are the Mentors?

The Mentors are men and women who are, or have been, non-executive Directors from a broad range of sectors and industries (e.g., corporate, non-profit, government agency, private companies, etc) based in Singapore.

They may also have international or regional governance experience. Mentors will share valuable insights (and the odd war story) with their Mentees.

Why volunteer to be a Mentor?

The benefits of being a Mentor include the satisfaction of “paying it forward”; the chance to reflect on one’s own experiences, practices, and approaches; the advantage of being exposed to fresh ideas. You will also be able to learn how other boards operate alongside the opportunity to expand your network of relationships.

This will also be an opportunity to network with other experienced Director Mentors across different industries and sectors. This Programme will also facilitate the connection of Chairs and experienced Directors of companies and not-for-profits in Singapore to a pool of experienced and skilled women who may be suitable for director roles. Highlights of the Programme include an informative workshop on how you can be an effective Mentor, as well as smaller group peer sessions where Mentors can share experiences and knowledge.

What is the time commitment for Mentors for the Programme?

Mentees are expected to arrange times to meet/speak to their Mentors on a monthly basis from July to December 2025, at times agreed between them.

In addition, the Programme will also include:

Masterclass session for Mentors (Physical) –

Friday, 27 June 2025,  5-6pm

*Dates are subjected to change

Other events and sessions – 1 hour monthly from July to December 2025.

*Dates are subjected to changes

As a Mentor, attendance for the Masterclass session and other events/sessions is not compulsory. However, we encourage Mentors to attend these events/sessions to make the most of their mentoring experience.

    Mentors will also be invited to attend the Programme closing event held in January 2026.

    About the Mentees

    What is the selection criteria for Mentees?

    • Aspiring and “next-generation” female directors (Singapore or Singapore Permanent Residents) living in Singapore who are not on commercial or subsidiary company boards.
    • Significant experience (i.e. at least five years) as at least one of the following:
      • A senior executive in a large company (listed or unlisted, private, NFP) within Singapore or overseas (either as a C-Suite executive, a line manager with profit and loss accountability, or in a senior leadership role including but not limited to Finance, Operations, IT, marketing, or Human Resources)
      • A senior professional advisor to boards of large companies (listed or unlisted) in Singapore or overseas (at partner or director level in law or accounting firm, investment bank or venture capital business)
      • A business owner/entrepreneur of a significant business with directorship responsibilities
      • A senior public servant.

    How will Mentees be matched to Mentors?

    BoardAgender will be responsible for managing the Mentee application process.

    An Advisory Selection Committee will select the participating Mentees comprising representatives from BoardAgender and other key stakeholders.

    BoardAgender will provide a shortlist of applicants to the Advisory Selection Committee, based on the Eligibility Criteria and interview or email feedback.

    The Advisory Selection Committee will select successful applicants and BoardAgender will notify them accordingly.

    Mentors and Mentees will have the opportunity to meet and determine whether they are comfortable to continue with the Programme before it formally starts in July 2025.