An Exclusive Up Close and Personal Session with Tarja Halonen

We are delighted to have the distinguished Ms Tarja Halonen, a Finnish politician who served as the 11th President of Finland, and the first woman to hold the position join us for a BoardAgender’s Up Close and Personal Session in collaboration with McKinsey & Company.

Participants will have an opportunity to get up close and personal over lunch with Tarja Halonen as she shares insights through her experience as the first female President of Finland, and why Women’s Leadership matters.

Tarja Halonen served two terms as President of Finland from 2000 to 2012. During her presidency, she was co-chair of the United Nations Millennium Summit, co-chair of the Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization, co-chair of the UN High-Level Panel on Global Sustainability and Chair of the Council of Women World Leaders.

Prior to her election, she served as Minister of Social Affairs and Health, Minister of Justice, and Minister for Foreign Affairs. Over her political career, which began in 1974, President Halonen has paid close attention to promotion of democracy, human rights, and the role of civil society. Strengthening social justice and gender equality have been central themes.

President Halonen has been actively engaged with non-governmental organizations and trade unions. She is also Chair of the Board of the University of Helsinki. After her exit from the office, the TH Global Sustainability Foundation was established in 2012 to promote the work of President Halonen in the field of sustainable development.

She continues to work closely with the UN, and is currently memberof the Secretary-General’s High-Level Advisory Board on Mediation. Among other duties, she is also alternate co-chair of the Every Woman Every Child Movement’s Steering Group, UN Global Champion for Disaster Risk Reduction and UN Drylands Ambassador.

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

12.00pm – 3.00pm
(Registration starts at 12pm)

McKinsey & Co., One Raffles Quay, Level 24, South Tower, Singapore 048583